If you need additional assistance while you are here, please make sure you let us know. Ruoff Music Center strives to ensure that all of our guests have a great time at our venue. Small clutch bags (6” x 9”) – these do not need to be clear.CLEAR plastic/vinyl tote bags no larger than 12” x 6” x 12”.Check our Facebook page on the day of show for specific permitted items and show info.:
Permitted items are, as always, subject to change depending on the show. In the event you are not carrying a credit or debit card, staff will be available on-site at the main gate information booths at both entrances to exchange cash for card, dollar for dollar, without any service fees. Previously delivered hard/paper tickets will also be honored. Please download your tickets to your phone using the Live Nation app at home before driving to the venue. Any bags that do not meet our guidelines must be returned to your vehicle. No other bags of any type will be allowed. The small clutch bags do not need to be clear. We will allow CLEAR plastic/vinyl tote bags no larger than 12” x 6” x 12” and/or small clutch bags (6”x 9”). Contactless Payment information before you arrive: